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Information Collected

The Information ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecollects about user may be broadly described in the following categories:


Personal Information: User name, address, phone number, email address, password, billing and debit card / credit card Information, order history, feedback, IP address and location, digital device name, type and configuration, details relating to user's download of Publications via the Service (including details relating to the time of the download, any interruptions, and the success or failure of the downloads), the URL from which user accessed the Platform, demographic Information, and other such 'Personal Information'.


General Information: ListNBuy/ YellowSpree may also receive more general Information from user as a result of user's visits to, and use of, the Platform. This general Information does not identify user personally, and can include Information such as user's IP address, the length of time user spend on the Platform, user's browsing history, and other such 'General Information'. This general Information may also include history relating to the transactions made by user on the Platform.

Personal Information and General Information shall collectively and individually be referred to as "Information".


All the above Information is collected for:


Better servicing and account maintenance;

To seek user's feedback or to contact user in relation to those services offered;

Making the offerings more relevant to user and user's desires ensuring no spam mails go through;

Keeping track of the transactions, to help in case of any dispute situations; dealing with enquiries, requests or complaints and other customer care related activities; and all other general administrative and business purposes; marketing products and services; carrying out any activity in connection with a legal, governmental or regulatory requirement or in connection with legal proceedings, crime or fraud prevention, detection or prosecution;

To effectively administer and fulfil obligations under any agreement ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay have with user;

To collect the Information ListNBuy/ YellowSpree shall use channels such as physical forms, call centre, website (including cookies), emails, promotional offers, surveys and mailers. Participation in some of these channels is optional but user may be required to provide user's Information in order to participate. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeis not liable to verify the authenticity or accuracy of any Information ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecollects from user.


From time to time ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay ask user to update user's contact & Information on ListNBuy/ YellowSpree authorized Platform, contact centre or through any other approved channels. This is to help keep user updated on services, any changes in the services and its enhancements. ListNBuy/ YellowSpree will not be liable for any failure or default to notify user of any service, any change in service or its enhancement if user fails to update such Information in a timely manner.


Access to Information:

ListNBuy/ YellowSpree collects user's Personal Information to enable us, amongst other things, to provide the Platform and ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeServices to user. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreetakes all steps reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorised access, use, alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Information.


Information Storage & Sharing:

Any Information that ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecollects and stores that is personally identifiable is protected using appropriate means, and although ListNBuy/ YellowSpree does so, it will not be held responsible for any unauthorised access by third parties.


All Information shall be stored by ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeor one or more of ListNBuy/ YellowSpreevendors, who will be bound by a non-disclosure agreement with ListNBuy/ YellowSpree. ListNBuy/ YellowSpree reserves the rights to hold user's Information indefinitely.


User agrees that all Personal Information shall be retained till such time required for the Purpose or required under applicable law, whichever is later. Non-Personal Information will be retained indefinitely.


ListNBuy/ YellowSpree will share user's Information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay disclose the Information collected and received under this Privacy Policy:


With one or more of ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecorporate entities and affiliates globally to help detect and prevent identity theft, fraud and other potentially illegal acts; correlate related or multiple accounts to prevent abuse of ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' services; and to facilitate joint or co-branded services as part of service offered to user through Platform.

As required by law, such as to comply with a summons, or similar legal process, etc.;

When ListNBuy/ YellowSpree believes in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' rights and interests, protect user's safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request and the like;

With ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' trusted services providers who work on ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' behalf, do not have an independent use of the Information ListNBuy/ YellowSpree disclose to them, and have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this Privacy Policy.

ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay also share user's Information with third parties under a confidentiality agreement which inter alia provides for that such third parties not disclosing the Information further unless such disclosure is for the Purpose. However, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeis not responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties that receive user's Personal Information. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeis not liable for any loss or injury caused to user as a result of user providing user's Personal Information to third party (including any third party websites, even if links to such third party websites are provided on the Website).


User may receive promotional offers, campaign details, Company news, updates, related product or service Information, etc by email among other means. If user has opted to receive promotional offers there will be unsubscribe options with all such category of offers and user may choose to unsubscribe from such offers at any time by following the instructions included at the bottom of each email, or by contacting via ListNBuy/ YellowSpree’s Platform.


Selectively, user may also receive various offers via user's mobile number or postal mail. ListNBuy/ YellowSpree also contacts user via email for administrative purposes, such as change notifications or if ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeupdate Privacy Policy. While user can elect to stop receiving email for promotional offers (as described above), user cannot unsubscribe from these administrative messages while enrolled on the Platform.


ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecustomer care department may also contact user in response to an inquiry user submits. Customer care may also contact user with regard to a particular problem that may have occurred with user's account or with an offer in which user may have participated. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay use this Information to learn more about user's participation in the Platform and make it more relevant to user's interests.


Information access by member:

ListNBuy/ YellowSpreerespects user's privacy and is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of user's Information with us. ListNBuy/ YellowSpree may contact user with useful Information on products and services through ListNBuy/ YellowSpreetelemarketing / telecalling activities, which may be beneficial for user. However, if user does not wish to be contacted through ListNBuy/ YellowSpree telemarketing calls or messages, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreerequests user to kindly register at ListNBuy/ YellowSpree contact centre and give details of the telephone on which user does not wish to be contacted. However, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreereserves the right to contact user through telecalling for Services related to user's account. Further, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeis committed to follow the laws laid out with regards to telecalling and telemarketing and, follow the guidelines set by any regulatory authority like TRAI in cases of DND policy or any such similar rules which may be in force.


Once user has registered for any such DND policy, user's telephone number(s) will be removed from all ListNBuy/ YellowSpreetelemarketing calling lists within 30 (thirty) working days. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreewill ensure that user does not get any further telemarketing calls on the telephone number(s) that user has registered.


Voice Call Recordings at Contact Centre:

With a view to providing the best possible service to its customers, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreewill be:


i. Recording voice calls made to ListNBuy/ YellowSpree's customer care with a view to provide better services

ii. Monitoring the voice calls recorded; and

iii. Overseeing the services furnished by the customer call centres.

iv. Sharing with one or more our affiliate companies, all or any particular call recordings received from those customers who have been enrolled with ListNBuy/ YellowSpree on the Platform and/or a report with details of the complaints, if any, received by user or the customer. The sharing of voice recordings received from the call centres with ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeaffiliate Companies will be done in due compliance of applicable privacy laws.


All of the aforesaid activities are done, inter alia, to:


i. Improve customer satisfaction

ii. Assure quality management and customer experience

iii. Identify and analyze the patterns and the types of requests / complaints raised by customers frequently on a real time basis

iv. Initiate remedial measures to prevent the re-occurrence of such complaints / issues

v. Retain a recording of the voice calls; and

vi. Support any transactions that take place over the phone and / or if there is a dispute



Treatment of Personal Information:

ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemaintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the Information. Specific employees only are authorized to access the Information on a need to know basis for business purposes only.


To keep user's Personal Information safe, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeensures that sensitive and private data exchanges between user and ListNBuy/ YellowSpreehappens over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-secured communication channel, and are encrypted and protected with digital signatures. SSL-secured communication channels are specially designed to protect personal and sensitive Information (payment details), which is sent over the internet and adapted it with some good points found across the other major e-commerce players in India. The security of user's Personal Information is important to ListNBuy/ YellowSpree. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreestrives to ensure the security of user's Personal Information and to protect user's Personal Information against unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction. For this purpose, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeadopts internal reviews of the data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where ListNBuy/ YellowSpreestores user's Personal Information. To keep user's Personal Information safe, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeensures that sensitive and private data exchanges between user and ListNBuy/ YellowSpree happens over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-secured communication channel, and are encrypted and protected with digital signatures. SSL-secured communication channels are specially designed to protect personal and sensitive Information (payment details), which is sent over the internet.


If the user chooses a payment gateway to complete any transaction on Platform then the user's debit/credit card data (last 4 digits of card details) may be stored in compliance with industry standards.


The User may review or update the Personal Information that ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeholds in respect of the user's account by using the ListNBuy’s Platform


Treatment of General Information:

ListNBuy/ YellowSpreealso collects the user's General Information to allow us, amongst other things, to better understand ListNBuy/ YellowSpree users and improve the layout and functionality of the Platform. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay use and disclose anonymous Information, including aggregate anonymous Information derived from user's Personal Information, to inform publishers, partners, trusted affiliates, advertisers, and other interested parties as to the usage habits or characteristics of ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' customer base, and to serve any other business purposes.


Change in the Privacy Policy & User's Consent:

Changes in law or changes in ListNBuy/ YellowSpree' business may require changes to be made to the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time so ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeencourages the user to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any such changes. As ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeprivacy policy is subject to change at any time without notice, it is the user's responsibility to carefully read, agree with the Privacy Policy on each occasion the user uses the Platform. By using or browsing the Platform, the user agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy (as amended and in force from time to time) and the user expressly consent to ListNBuy/ YellowSpree use and disclosure of the user's Information including personal Information and other Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time). If the user does not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use Platform or any Services thereof.


Opt out rights:

In the event, the user does not wish that the user's Information to be used for the purposes mentioned herein or the user wish to withdraw consent for use of user's Information please e-mail us at ___________. In such events, ListNBuy/ YellowSpreemay not be in a position to provide the user any benefits or Services. Also, in case the user chooses to not share user's name and/or mobile number, the user's registration from the Platform will be terminated.


Anti-Spam Policy:

Since email is an integral part for the Service being rendered, user's sharing of email contact with ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeallows sharing the offers and promotions relating to the Service or Platform via email with user. If the user later decides not to receive any offers and or promotions relating to the Service or Platform, the user may unsubscribe by communicating to ListNBuy/ YellowSpree. Please note that opting not to receive email does not exempt user from receiving administrative emails that include but are not limited to, notices about membership status changes or alterations to ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeterms of Service or this Privacy Policy any other service requests.


Data Accuracy, Verification and Supplementation:

It is in the user's interest and it is ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeobjective, for ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeto have accurate, current and complete Information concerning the user and user's account. ListNBuy/ YellowSpreehas strict procedures that employees abide by to meet this objective. While some procedures are required by applicable laws, ListNBuy/ YellowSpree has implemented additional procedures to maintain accurate, correct and complete financial Information, including processes to update Information and remove outdated Information. If the user believes that ListNBuy/ YellowSpreehas incorrect Information about user or user's accounts, please intimate ListNBuy/ YellowSpree. ListNBuy/ YellowSpree will correct any erroneous Information as soon as possible.


Data verification involves the use of third-party data processing services to standardize and clean user's provided Information so that it is easily identified and accessed in ListNBuy/ YellowSpree database.


Guarding user's own Information: ListNBuy/ YellowSpreerecommends that user to take the following precautions to guard against the disclosure and unauthorized use of user's Information:


i. never provide Information that can be used to access the user's account over the phone unless the user have initiated the call and know with whom the user is speaking;

ii. update any changes in addresses or contact Information immediately through the proper channel;


While ListNBuy/ YellowSpreewill endeavour to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep secure any Personal Information which ListNBuy/ YellowSpreeholds about the user and prevent unauthorized access, the user acknowledges that the internet or computer networks are not fully secure and that ListNBuy/ YellowSpreecannot provide any absolute assurance regarding the security of user's Personal Information.

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